Why Exercises Sometimes Don’t Work Out As Planned – Part 2

In Part 1 I introduced you to the idea that when exercises and movements sometimes don’t work out quite as planned, this is very often due to (other) things going on inside our bodies.

I also stated that:

  • This is not YOUR fault,
  • That these ARE however things that need to be taken seriously,
  • And that simply going harder, faster, longer or more frequently can often lead to more serious issues later on.

Here I will take this story to the next stage and begin to explain WHY they can often lead to more serious issues later on.

OK, so THE most important point to realise here is this:

When you are faced with persistent issues such as tightness, weakness, over- or under-active muscles or movement patterns that clients just can’t GET …

a) The CAUSE is often Hidden and

b) The CAUSE is typically somewhere else in the body entirely.

If what you are doing to help sort out the issue(s) is working – and by “working” I mean it GOES and DOES NOT RETURN …

… What I call a Robust & Sustainable Solution,

THEN you are OK.

IF on the other hand – and this is actually far more likely in practice (remember the 97% statistic from Part 1) – the issue(s) keep returning at regular intervals, or even they are back to square one next time you see them, then,

Something, somewhere ELSE is causing the issue and working “locally” is not going to result in robust and sustainable improvement!

And unfortunately, this something, somewhere else could be ANYWHERE in the body.

Here’s the rub … “tightness“, “weakness“, “over-” and “under-active” muscles and “issues with functional movement patterns” are very often not what they seem and cannot be solved by working “locally” to the problem we are seeing or feeling.

And because of this, if we DO persistently try to solve the problem locally, what IS ACTUALLY the root of the problem just causes the problem to get worse and worse.

All of this is largely due to compensations going on in our bodies from our lifestyle, what we call our biopsychosocial environment.

Now, let me ask you a couple of really intriguing questions to close Part 2 …

Q1: When you stretch a muscle, how do you know what you are actually stretching?

Q2: When you do stretch, how do you know whether what you are stretching should be being stretched?

I very often get VERY quizzical looks when I ask these questions!!

I’ll expand on these questions in Part 3.

But for now, remember the golden rule from Part 1:

If you are faced with PERSISTENT “tightness”, “weakness” (or other stubborn muscles not doing what they should be doing by design) OR PERSISTENT movement form issues that a client just cannot correct in what I term a “robust and sustainable” way,

Then STOP!   Change Strategy!

Do something different and don’t simply go harder, faster, longer or more frequently. 

I’ll see you in Part 3.


Simon – The Integrated Fitpro Coach

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