Total Proactive Integration – The Soft Tissue Specialist’s Perspective – Part 2

Previously, in *** The Soft Tissue Specialist’s Perspective – Part 1 ***, I talked about how you can leverage your skills to really add value to a fitness, exercise or movement professional by helping to ascertain which exercises are right for a particular client and which may be “less right”, all based on establishing how the clients body is stacked up on the inside.

Here I want to turn the tables and introduce how a fitness, exercise or movement professional can really add significant value and help YOU as a soft tissue specialist.

When you see a client and release various muscles through massage, have you ever considered what happens to those muscles next? After you have released them?

Soft tissue work cannot create new brain-body pathways.

Soft tissue work may give us the capacity to create new brain pathways by changing tissue physiology, yes.

But to establish new connections and then (re)gain motor control of that area that you have worked, requires an exercise specialist.

I talk about some techniques for re-establishing new brain-body pathways (called neuroplasticity) in the Group Content – this is where the isometric exercise protocol comes in,

And we talk a lot about how to re-establishing new brain-body pathways for different TYPES of tissue physiology adaptations on the Discovery Day.

One “size” of isometric exercise does not fit all.

But establishing motor control is also the specialism of an exercise professional, which you may be as well – if so, beautiful – but if not, find an exercise professional and start building a really great relationship.

So, think beyond just the massage to how you are going to:

  • re-establish new brain-body pathways, and
  • re-establish motor control in the areas you have worked.

This is where Total Proactive Integration works beautifully.

You can help the exercise professional by helping to ascertain which exercises are right for a particular client and which may be less so.

And in turn, the exercise professional can help you by providing vital motor control exercise expertise.

It’s a WIN-WIN.  Plus a third WIN for the client!


Simon – The Integrated Fitpro Coach

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  1. Pingback: Total Proactive Integration - The Soft Tissue Specialist’s Perspective - Part 1 | The Integrated Fitpro

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