Our World-Class Professional Academy

For Extremely Gifted Clinical Manual Therapy Professionals Who Want To Grow, Want To Change, Want To Stand Out, Want To Be Different And Do Things Differently And Want To Get Results That Other Professionals Simply Cannot Obtain. Professionals With The Desire To Become One Of The Best Musculoskeletal Problem-Solving Practitioners. Not Just In The UK, But In The World!

Just How Can We Help YOU Become One Of The Best Musculoskeletal "Problem Solving" Practitioners, Not Just In The UK, But In The World!

First things first - ask yourself, do you always get lasting results for your clients as clinical manual therapists?

For my part, based on my own experience, my answer to this crucial question is 'absolutely no'. And this was what prompted me to seek out the very best in the world at establishing why this was.

What I learned can be summarised as follows:

What see SEE and what we FEEL when assessing and working with a client (such as from postural assessments, gait assessments, spinal movement and various common clinical tests) is predominantly "white noise", a really frustrating distraction that is literally playing games with us, causing havoc in our clinical reasoning!

I liken this to a Rubik's Cube that is fighting back. Or a 3D jigsaw puzzle where we only have the pieces and no picture.


Did you know that the vast majority of the tests and assessments that we are all typically taught can, and very often do, send us in completely the wrong direction due to this "white noise". Hence why we struggle to get truly lasting results for our clients - what I call "Robust and Sustainable" results; results that mean clients do not have to keep returning to us or other professionals.

Our World-Class Professional Academy is all about helping exceptional soft tissue professionals like YOU understand that YOU are capable of so much more than you currently realise or believe by significantly enhancing your problem solving capabilities, maximising the impact of your extremely valuable skills (with both your clients and with other allied professionals) therefore maximising your professional AND business potential, transforming you into THE Go-To Professional locally, able to solve problems that no other professional has been able to solve.

So What's The World-Class Professional Academy All About?

Explore by clicking on the box below
Learning & Development JourneyMaster Practitioner RoadMap

Everything Is Mapped Out For You And Ready To Go ...

Our World-Class Academy Programme will take between 3 and 6 truly exceptional Level 4+ Clinical Sports Massage Therapists, Degree Level Sports Therapists (or higher) to Clinical Biomechanics and Movement Rehabilitation Specialist Master Practitioner in 12 months (9 months of coaching plus 3 months of additional support and mentoring), involving:

  • Intensive group coaching sessions with myself and Christina,
  • Regular group online Q&A sessions,
  • Dedicated Online Support via Facebook and WhatsApp Groups
  • Personal online mentoring sessions,
  • A personal 1-2-1 Coaching Day with myself and Christina at your own premises
  • Online material to support your learning,
  • Case study work,
  • Unparalleled support to help you gain confidence using your new knowledge and skills as new client cases and situations present themselves at your clinic.

Options exist to continue with ongoing support and mentoring after the initial 12 months AND, if you wish, you can train to become an affiliate coach with us once you have completed the Academy.

If you'd prefer a totally bespoke personal 1-2-1 coaching programme over 3, 6 or 12 months we have you covered as well. Just ask for details.

If you're thinking that there is nothing we can possibly teach you that takes a year to introduce, cover and then master, then you are probably not the right person for this programme! But if, on the other hand, you a thinking, WOW! What they are describing sounds TRULY AMAZING and I want some of that, then let's have a chat so we can answer all of your questions! 

Did you click on the 'active' box above and have a good read about what we cover and where we can take you?

Hopefully you now understand why Christina and I are highly selective in who we invite on this transformational journey.

We need truly growth-minded professionals who want to GROW & LEARN, who are prepared to let go of their ego, who want things to CHANGE but who are also happy TO CHANGE, to STAND OUT, to BE different, THINK and DO things differently and to GET RESULTS that other professionals simply cannot obtain or imagine!

Is this YOU?  Are you ready to elevate what you do and elevate your client results to totally new levels, and ready to stand out against everyone else, to become THE 'Go-To' solution-providing professional locally?

Then click on the Book A Free Call With Us button at the bottom of this page to schedule a completely free, no-obligation chat where we can answer all of your questions and also begin to explore your vision for the future and how we might be able to help you get there.

I look forward to chatting with you soon.
