Thank You For Booking A 45 Minute Coaching Call With Us

You will shortly receive an email containing the details of the call you have booked. Please check your SPAM or JUNK folder just in case. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please let us know.

Also, at least 24 hours before your scheduled call time you will receive another email containing the Zoom connection link for your call. Please read these carefully. Again, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder, but if you do not receive this connection details email, please let us know in good time.

If you need to cancel or re-schedule your call, then please use the links provided in your confirmation email.

We will turn up 100% and will be online at the time of your scheduled call. If you join the call late or have technical difficulties, we cannot extend the call time, so when you receive your call connection details, which should arrive with you at least 24 hours before your scheduled call time, please read it carefully, reading all the connection instructions, to make sure you are ready to join your Zoom call at the scheduled time.

Thanks for your understanding.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about your call, please do not hesitate to contact us at Email.