Simon Wellsted | The Integrated Fitpro Coach | Elevating Businesses To Totally New Levels
Who Is Our Groundbreaking Professional Facebook Group Aimed At?
If you question the world around you, you ask the questions no-one else dare ask, you allow yourself to be vulnerable by openly admitting when you don't know the answer, or that there might just be a better answer to the one you currently know and understand, possibly outside of your core disciplines - without fear & without ego - in an open, supportive and non-judgmental way - all to stand-out from the crowd - and to get even better results for your clients - then this group is absolutely for you!
  • Find Answers & New Solution Ideas!

  • Access the very latest clinical biomechanics knowledge and understanding

  • Access the very latest robust evidence-base science & information

  • Understand why things sometimes work and why they sometimes don't, what this means for you and your clients AND what you can do about it yourself and with others

  • Get Direct Access To The Integrated Fitpro Coach and his highly trained team Online!

  • All For Free!

Simon Wellsted | The Integrated Fitpro Coach | Elevating Businesses To Totally New Levels

© 2018 Simon Wellsted | The Integrated Fitpro Coach | Elevating Businesses To Totally New Levels Through Proactive Integration between Fitness, Manual Therapy & Movement Professionals

I totally get that the group isn't for everybody - and that's absolutely fine. Some Professionals are just not ready for this level of transformation as it will absolutely challenge the way you think and also challenge many things that you have been taught previously.

The Group is also modality independent - everything we discuss is firmly based on the most up-to-date science and evidence about the human body.

But if you are happy to leave your ego at the door and open your mind to new possibilities. And if you always put your clients first by having the desire to learn how to be even better at what you do, by understanding why sometimes things you do with your clients work and sometimes they don't, what this means AND what you can do about it yourself and through proactively integrating with other allied professionals, elevating your business and your client results to totally new levels, then we would love to welcome you on board.

Here are what some group members who have decided they are ready have to say about the Group and what we talk about, followed by a selection of the challenging Topics and Questions that we have been exploring recently.

Every time I read posts in the group, it's like another piece in the puzzle just seems to be clicking into place! 😀 It really makes me realise why I went into this type of work, really makes me think and change my mindset, which I love!Laura-Jo (Massage Therapist)

“I want to burst into tears of relief when I read your answers in the Group @Simon. The amount of time over the last 10+ years, I have spent trying to sort myself out, literally putting my life on hold, and on top of that feeling hopeless when trying to help out with clients problems, really takes it toll. This group is a well needed breath of fresh air.“Mark (Personal Trainer)

“Challenging & Eye-Opening. Easily the most useful information i’ve learned since my PT courses. I am one step ahead of other PTs, which puts us at a huge advantage.”Nanette (Personal Trainer)

“The feedback from my class sessions was really good. Had two ladies in class last night with lumbar pain. One is a retired Physio. Both left with no pain whatsoever! That’s three people so far just this week who have benefited already from what I learned with Simon”Angela (Pilates Specialist)

“This has massively improved my knowledge and understanding. And has improved my patient outcomes! - I can't thank you enough for taking me on this journey”Christina (Sports Therapist)

Simon Wellsted | The Integrated Fitpro Coach | Elevating Businesses To Totally New Levels

The following is a selection of the challenging topics and questions that we have been exploring in the Facebook Group recently: (we've even provided a couple of answers to get you going!)


  • Why can terms like Tightness, Weakness, Over-Active, Under-Active or Strong (amongst others) deceive us into the wrong exercise or manual therapy interventions?
  • How do we know exactly what we are stretching? And does this matter?
  • How do we know whether what we are stretching should be being stretched? And does this matter?
  • If a muscle is "not firing" should we automatically try to activate or condition it?
  • Is coaching exercise form (e.g. a squat) something we should be doing?
  • How do we know when somebody is doing a squat correctly and safely?
  • Can training in Functional Movement cause problems?
  • Does a postural assessment give us valid information on which to base an exercise program or manual therapy interventions?
  • Why the assessments, tests and screens we routinely use and rely on can give us misleading results? Biomechanics Coaches™ and Biomechanics Trainers™ this is extremely relevant to you!
  • Does gait analysis give us valid information on which to base an exercise program or manual therapy interventions?
  • If our core muscles lack the capacity to perform and also lack the capacity to be conditioned ...where is the tensegrity coming from for (say) performing a plank?
  • Why the anatomy in the books we read and learn from is only present in 56% of the population?
  • Why are fitness and exercise professionals so prone to injury?
  • What causes over 90% of musculoskeletal injury?
  • Exactly WHAT is causing THAT to happen and WHY?
  • How might the appearance of "tightness" in (say) the hamstrings can be caused by anything from the big toe to the little finger and anything in between?
  • Why intervening (through exercise, movement or massage) in the wrong way on the wrong tissue at the wrong time can lead to problems down the line?
  • Should we be deep massaging or rolling our IT Band's, Piriformis or Calf Muscles?
  • How can PT's, Pilates, Movement and Manual Therapy Professionals work together proactively to help with the above questions and also provide joined-up solutions to our clients.

We update this list as major new topics and questions are introduced. If any of these questions has resonated with you and you'd like to understand more, or you have a question of your own that is not included above, then request to join Our Free Facebook Group and start your magical journey of discovery and growth.

All of the above are introduced and explored in the Group.

Simon Wellsted | The Integrated Fitpro Coach | Elevating Businesses To Totally New Levels

"When differentiation is blocked, integration cannot occur. Without the movement towards integration, the entire system moves away from harmony - and into rigidity." (Siegel, 2009).

The very latest scientific evidence is now telling us very clearly that Fitness, Manual Therapy and Movement/Pilates specialists ARE ALL needed to solve many common exercise, movement and injury challenges.

No single modality or toolset can do the complete job!

Our groundbreaking Proactive Integration Models offering truly joined-up solutions is the way to achieve this.

Allied with a common language, a common understanding and a common toolset, plus no EGO!

Right now, PT's, Pilates Specialists and Manual Therapists typically work independently (yes there are some amazing exceptions to this for sure) and of course we are all trained independently, often being given different information depending on which reference books are used!

Even when a professional has multiple disciplines (maybe a PT with massage skills), these are very often used separately. Believe me they are missing a trick!

At no time when I was trained did my instructors help me understand what other Professionals do, where they fit into the bigger picture, what they are taught and how we might work together to achieve even better results for our clients.

And if like me you are a Biomechanics Coach™ or Biomechanics Trainer™ we often see the amazing toolkit that we have as being something separate to our core fitness or exercise discipline, struggling to understand how to effectively and seamlessly integrate things together for our clients. I know this was true for me and I struggled with this for quite some time. But, we now have this nailed for you!

So, do you own or work in a Gym, Fitness studio, Pilates Studio or Clinical Massage Clinic where allied Fitness, Exercise, Manual Therapy or Pilates Professionals also work, but currently not in a proactively integrated way?

Think about this. If you were able to determine which exercises or which massage techniques are right (and which are not right) for a client before you start working with them. Or if you were able to work out what is causing a client to struggle with a particular movement or exercise, or why they are hitting a block, so that they can succeed better. Or you are a clinical massage therapist needing to "bed-in" motor-control and strength for some postural or lower back pain muscle physiology change you have been conducting for a client? 

How amazing would THAT be for your clients! How different is that as a client experience?

This is what Our Free Facebook Group  is all about.

Take modality and discipline ego, fear and reverence out of the equation and replace it with an exceptionally growth-minded and open-minded team of integrated and allied fitness, exercise, manual therapy or movement professionals and magic happens!

Are YOU Ready For A Real Transformation? Have You Got What It Takes?

If So Then Complete & Submit The Form Below To Start Your Amazing Journey!
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The reason we ask these questions below rather than on Facebook is so that we can a) provide you with a better service tailored to your needs and b) to help us comply with the latest EU/UK Data Protection regulations, helping to keep your personal data safe. As soon as we receive your compliant request using the form below, we will add you to the Group using the email address you provide. By requesting to join our Professional Facebook Group via the form below you are accepting and consenting to the practices & policies described in our Privacy Policy.
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